What is Holistic Health Strategies?
Holistic Health Strategies is a fancy name for my approach of looking at health through multiple lenses. When something is interrupting the ability to enjoy life, it offers an opportunity to look at the potential contributors. Understanding different aspects of daily life can help to enhance the points that are working and dissolve those that are no longer of service. Broken down, this is usually a combination of how a person moves, sleeps, eats, manages stress and so much more. I strive to understand what health means to you and your goals while exploring strategies that will allow achievement of those goals.
Sessions are tailored to your specific needs by meeting you where you are with realistic strategies to get you where you want to be. This can include a combination of skilled bodywork, education around posture, movement, basic nutrition, exercise, sleep, understanding hormonal and emotional influences. Guidance will be offered when needed for choosing specialists that will take you further toward your specific goals. Specialties include pelvic health, peri to post menopause awareness, prenatal and postpartum exercise, labor/birth preparation and functional movement.
People of all ages, genders and levels of ability are invited to find their way to a happier and healthier life experience.
The Sukha Way.... (Sukha is a Sanskrit word for ease, joy, pleasure or bliss)
Holistic Health Strategies is a fancy name for my approach of looking at health through multiple lenses. When something is interrupting the ability to enjoy life, it offers an opportunity to look at the potential contributors. Understanding different aspects of daily life can help to enhance the points that are working and dissolve those that are no longer of service. Broken down, this is usually a combination of how a person moves, sleeps, eats, manages stress and so much more. I strive to understand what health means to you and your goals while exploring strategies that will allow achievement of those goals.
Sessions are tailored to your specific needs by meeting you where you are with realistic strategies to get you where you want to be. This can include a combination of skilled bodywork, education around posture, movement, basic nutrition, exercise, sleep, understanding hormonal and emotional influences. Guidance will be offered when needed for choosing specialists that will take you further toward your specific goals. Specialties include pelvic health, peri to post menopause awareness, prenatal and postpartum exercise, labor/birth preparation and functional movement.
People of all ages, genders and levels of ability are invited to find their way to a happier and healthier life experience.
The Sukha Way.... (Sukha is a Sanskrit word for ease, joy, pleasure or bliss)
Manual Bodywork Skills
Myofascial Release - affects tensions of the connective tissue system (fascia)
Craniosacral Therapy - gentle technique to affect the bones, nerves and fluids of the head and spine.
Visceral Manipulation - affects mobility of the organs resulting in happier organ function as well as their relationship other structures (musculoskeletal system).
Neural Manipulation - affects mobility and function in the nerves and related fascia.
Visceral Vascular Manipulation - affects mobility of the blood vessels and related fascia
Specialized Skills
Labor/Birth Preparations - Understand what your body and mind may benefit from before labor or any style of birth.
Pelvic Health Specialist - Assist in awareness for movement and manual techniques to affect tensions that may be interrupting pelvic floor function (does not include internal assessment or treatment)
Prenatal and Postpartum Movement - Keep up with your current movement strategies or start a new plan in pregnancy as well as learn how to effectively return to movement after pregnancy.
Spinning Babies Techniques - Learning about possible positional relationships with your baby during pregnancy and labor.
Peri- to Post-Menopause Support - Learn about the normal process of how the female reproductive system changes in mid-life.
Posture and Body Mechanics - Learn foundations to keep yourself moving and grooving.
Functional Movement Patterns - Elevate the way you perform desired activities.
Myofascial Release - affects tensions of the connective tissue system (fascia)
Craniosacral Therapy - gentle technique to affect the bones, nerves and fluids of the head and spine.
Visceral Manipulation - affects mobility of the organs resulting in happier organ function as well as their relationship other structures (musculoskeletal system).
Neural Manipulation - affects mobility and function in the nerves and related fascia.
Visceral Vascular Manipulation - affects mobility of the blood vessels and related fascia
Specialized Skills
Labor/Birth Preparations - Understand what your body and mind may benefit from before labor or any style of birth.
Pelvic Health Specialist - Assist in awareness for movement and manual techniques to affect tensions that may be interrupting pelvic floor function (does not include internal assessment or treatment)
Prenatal and Postpartum Movement - Keep up with your current movement strategies or start a new plan in pregnancy as well as learn how to effectively return to movement after pregnancy.
Spinning Babies Techniques - Learning about possible positional relationships with your baby during pregnancy and labor.
Peri- to Post-Menopause Support - Learn about the normal process of how the female reproductive system changes in mid-life.
Posture and Body Mechanics - Learn foundations to keep yourself moving and grooving.
Functional Movement Patterns - Elevate the way you perform desired activities.
For More Details and Pricing
Individualized In-Person Sessions
Personalized and Group Movement Sessions
SEA: Support, Education and Accountability
Individualized In-Person Sessions
Personalized and Group Movement Sessions
SEA: Support, Education and Accountability
*Please call or email to determine available openings.